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The FileViewer Utility

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Accessing the FileViewer

File Selection and Display Mode

Viewing Text Files

Viewing Log Files
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The FileViewer displays all the files commonly used by crystallographers (or it will do!). Where appropriate it uses other display programs (e.g. XPLOT84DRIVER to view plot84 format files).

Accessing the FileViewer

The FileViewer utility can be accessed in several ways.

from the command line:> ccp4i -v[iewer] [filename]
within the main interface using the options:View Any File or
View Files from Job
within a task interface view a selected file with:View button on the file selection line
within a stand-alone task interface (run with ccp4i -task option) view a log file with :Show Log File button at bottom of window.

File Selection and Display Mode

If a file name is entered on the command line, its file type is interpreted from the file name extension and the file is displayed appropriately.

When the View Any File option is used, you can select a file with the usual File Selection window which has extra options which enable you to specify the file type and the display mode required. There is a pop-up menu which lists file types. When you select a file type, the filename filter is updated and only the files with the appropriate file extension are listed. You can edit the filename filter if your files have non-standard extensions or you want to create a more specific filter.

When you select a file type, a Display Mode menu may also appear which allows you to choose between alternative means of displaying that type of file (e.g. a coordinate file might be listed as a text file or the coordinates displayed by a graphics program).

Viewing Text Files

There is a standard window which displays text files such as log files and command scripts. This window has the option to

The Find tool searches the displayed file for matches to an input string. Click Highlight to activate the search. The Next and Previous buttons move through the file to display instances of the match string.

Viewing Log Files

If the FileViewer is displaying the log file for a job which is still running, the display will be updated as the log file is extended.

If the log file contains summary tags, the most important output will be highlighted by display in red. There is also a Show Summary button which will display only the summary.

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