New in CppUnit 1.6.2 -------------------- * This is a bug-fixing release. * Improved install procedure for systems that lack doxygen. New in CppUnit 1.6.1 -------------------- * This is a bug-fixing release. New in CppUnit 1.6.0 -------------------- * All CppUnit macros now begin with "CPPUNIT_". Macros CU_TEST_SUITE, CU_TEST, CU_TEST_SUITE_END, CU_TEST_SUB_SUITE, and CU_TEST_SUITE_REGISTRATION are renamed but are otherwise unchanged; they take the same arguments, and have the same effect. The old-style macros can be used if your sources #define CPPUNIT_ENABLE_CU_TEST_MACROS to 1 before including any CppUnit headers. Macros assert, assertEqual, and assertDoublesEqual, have been replaced by CPPUNIT_ASSERT, CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL, and CPPUNIT_ASSERT_DOUBLES_EQUAL, respectively. Macro assertLongsEqual is replaced by CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL. The old assert macros can be used if your sources #define CPPUNIT_ENABLE_NAKED_ASSERT to 1 before including any CppUnit headers. The old macro names are deprecated and will vanish in a future version of CppUnit. * Equality assertion CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(expected,actual) can test any type of expression. The types of "expected" and "actual" must be the same; use a cast if necessary. * Equality tested using CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL may be re-defined using a traits class. Ditto for the string representation used in the diagnostic messages. * New assertion with arbitrary message: CPPUNIT_ASSERT_MESSAGE. * A test case obtained using class TestCaller may check that a particular exception is thrown. * CppUnit has a test suite for itself! * VC++ integration for MFC TestRunner.