
Annotated List

Annotated List
KDockButton_Private A mini-button usually placed in the dockpanel. (internal)
KDockMainWindow A special kind of KMainWindow that is able to have dockwidget child widgets (and member of the dockwidget class set).
KDockManager The manager that knows all dockwidgets and handles the dock process (and member of the dockwidget class set).
KDockManager::MenuDockData A data structure containing data about every dockwidget that is under control.
KDockSplitter Like QSplitter but specially designed for dockwidgets stuff. (internal)
KDockTabBar The actual tab bar for dockwidgets (and member of the dockwidget class set).
KDockTabBarPainter The draw helper for the KDockTabBar (and member of the dockwidget class set).
KDockTabCtl A manager for a single KDockTabBar (and member of the dockwidget class set).
KDockTabCtl_PrivateStruct Actually an internal struct.
KDockTabGroup It just hides the special implementation of a dockwidget tab groups (and is member of the dockwidget class set).
KDockWidget Floatable widget that can be dragged around with the mouse and encapsulate the actual widgets (and member of the dockwidget class set).
KDockWidgetAbstractHeader An abstract base clase for all dockwidget headers (and member of the dockwidget class set).
KDockWidgetAbstractHeaderDrag An abstract class for all dockwidget drag-panels of a dockwidgets (and member of the dockwidget class set).
KDockWidgetHeader The header (additional bar) for a KDockWidget s (and member of the dockwidget class set).
KDockWidgetHeaderDrag This special widget is the panel one can grip with the mouses (and member of the dockwidget class set).
KDockWidgetPrivate additional KDockWidget stuff (private)
KMainWindowThe base class of QextMdiMainFrm in case of QextMDI without KDE2 support.
KToolBarThe base class of QextMdiTaskBar in case of QextMDI without KDE2 support.
QextMdiChildAreaInternal class.
QextMdiChildFrmInternal class. It's an MDI child frame widget. It contains a view widget and a frame caption. Usually you derive from its view.
QextMdiChildFrmCaptionInternal class.
QextMdiChildFrmDragBeginEventa QCustomEvent for begin of dragging This special event will be useful, to inform view about child frame event.
QextMdiChildFrmDragEndEventa QCustomEvent for end of dragging This special event will be useful, to inform view about child frame event.
QextMdiChildFrmMoveEventa QCustomEvent for move This special event will be useful, to inform view about child frame event.
QextMdiChildFrmResizeBeginEventa QCustomEvent for begin of resizing This special event will be useful, to inform view about child frame event.
QextMdiChildFrmResizeEndEventa QCustomEvent for end of resizing This special event will be useful, to inform view about child frame event.
QextMdiChildViewBase class for all your special view windows.
QextMdiIterator A stretchable widget used as 'space' at the end of a half filled taskbar
QextMdiMainFrmBase class for all your special main frames.
QextMdiTaskBarInternal class.
QextMdiTaskBarButtonInternal class.
QextMdiViewCloseEventInternal class.
QextMdiWin32IconButtonInternal class, only used on Win32. This class provides a label widget that can process mouse click events.

Generated by: falk on pc9 on Fri Nov 30 14:44:26 2001, using kdoc 2.0a53.