# Unix Makefile stub for separate compilation with Moscow ML. # Edit this to point to the CGI binaries directory on your webserver: WWWCGIBIN=/var/lib/httpd/cgi-bin/sestoft MOSMLHOME=${HOME}/mosml MOSMLTOOLS=camlrunm $(MOSMLHOME)/tools MOSMLC=mosmlc -c MOSMLL=mosmlc MOSMLLEX=mosmllex MOSMLYACC=mosmlyac .SUFFIXES : .SUFFIXES : .sig .sml .ui .uo all: cgiex1 cgiex2 cgiex1: cgiex1.uo mosmlc -noheader -o cgiex1 cgiex1.uo cgiex2: cgiex2.uo mosmlc -noheader -o cgiex2 cgiex2.uo cgitest: cgitest.uo mosmlc -noheader -o cgitest cgitest.uo install: cat `which camlrunm` cgiex1 > ${WWWCGIBIN}/cgiex1 chmod a+x ${WWWCGIBIN}/cgiex1 cat `which camlrunm` cgiex2 > ${WWWCGIBIN}/cgiex2 chmod a+x ${WWWCGIBIN}/cgiex2 uninstall: rm -f ${WWWCGIBIN}/cgiex1 rm -f ${WWWCGIBIN}/cgiex2 rm -f ${WWWCGIBIN}/cgitest installcgitest: cat `which camlrunm` cgitest > ${WWWCGIBIN}/cgitest chmod a+x ${WWWCGIBIN}/cgitest clean: rm -f *.ui rm -f *.uo rm -f cgiex1 cgiex2 cgitest rm -f Makefile.bak .sig.ui: $(MOSMLC) $< .sml.uo: $(MOSMLC) $< depend: rm -f Makefile.bak mv Makefile Makefile.bak $(MOSMLTOOLS)/cutdeps < Makefile.bak > Makefile $(MOSMLTOOLS)/mosmldep >> Makefile ### DO NOT DELETE THIS LINE