$! top-level making of the ccp4 suite $! $! Make sure the binary directories exist. $ assign/nolog nl: sys$output ! so no message if it exists $ assign/nolog nl: sys$error ! so no message if it exists $ create/dir cbin $ create/dir ccp4_lib $ deassign sys$output $ $ write sys$output " Making CCIF library." $ write sys$output " If there are problems, read comments in top MAKEFILE.COM" $! If this doesn't work, remove the @make here, replace [.lib.src]harvlib.f $! with [.lib.src]harv_dummy.f, and remove ccp4_lib:libccif-static/l from $! the linking in [.src]MAKEFILE.COM and [.unsupported.src]MAKEFILE.COM $ set def [.lib.ccif] $ @make $ set def clibs $ @makefile $ set def clibd $ @makefile $ set def cprog $ @makefile $ set def [-.unsupported.src] $ @makefile $ ccp4